Apprise Support

Apprise is a macOS menu bar application that uses the Slack API to help you set your status. For information about Slack statuses, see this article. If you're having trouble updating your status, check the Slack API status.


Apprise requires two things to work:

  • The Apprise macOS app installed on macOS 10.13 or later
  • An Apprise web account connected to your Slack workspace(s)


To start using Apprise, follow these steps:

  1. Create an Apprise web account
  2. Connect your account to one or more Slack workspaces
  3. Download the macOS application and install it
  4. Connect the macOS application to your Apprise web account by clicking Log In
  5. You're ready to set your status!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did you make this?

This application started out as an excuse to learn Swift, and grew into an opportunity to practice creating and distributing an app. I use it every day, so it was worth it.

Why don't you support [insert platform here]?

Suprisingly few social tools have APIs that allow a third-part application (like Apprise) to set your status for you. If you find out that your favorite tool does have such an API, please send me the information.

Contact Us

If you're having trouble with the application and can't find resolution elsewhere, please contact us at